All modlist updates will be posted by Emlyn in the announcements channel - this is the only official source.

Time to enhance your experience! Here’s how to update to the latest modlist.

Easiest method (if you use Modrinth)

Modrinth Install

By far the easiest thing to do is to download the latest mcpack file from here.

However, this will create a completely new instance. I know this isn’t ideal sometimes, so there’s another option that lets you keep the same instance and your screenshots etc:

Ideal method (Modrinth/Manual Fabric)

Modrinth Install

Fabric Manual Install

The best way to do this is to download the zip file here.

You can safely drag all the jar files into your mods directory, and when Windows asks you whether to keep the duplicates tell it to skip. If you’re confident that you were on the latest update, you can just drag the new mod jar file in.