To play on the server, you need Minecraft Java Edition and the Fabric Mod Loader to begin with.

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The easiest way to sort out the mod loader is by using the app Modrinth. Modrinth is an app similar to CurseForge, however supports the open-source community better and is generally less annoying and has a much nicer UI. This guide will cover installing the Fabric Mod Loader via Modrinth.

The Modrinth Method (Preferred if you don’t know how mod loaders work or don’t have Fabric already installed. If you’ve already got Modrinth installed, skip to the Modpack Installation page!

Modrinth Install

1) Install Modrinth App

Download the app at Select the version corresponding to your operating system.

2) Follow installation instructions

It is pretty self-explanatory what to do. You can create a Modrinth account if you want - this is optional though, but I recommend it as it syncs your installations between computers.

3) Sign into your Minecraft account

Then, you need to log into your Microsoft account to confirm you own Minecraft. This is secure.

At this point, you should be presented with a window that shows various modpacks etc, the home screen of Modrinth. If so, you can move onto the next page, “How to install the modpack”!

The Raw Fabric Method (Slightly more difficult, only use if you can’t use / don’t want to use Modrinth!)

Fabric Manual Install

This method will use the Fabric Loader Installer. It’s a lot more barebones, however creates a profile in the normal Minecraft launcher.

To install it this way, I advise you read through the official guide here.

Once you’re done installing it and you have tested that the game runs, then move onto the next article: “How to install the modpack”